The paper describes the upgrade and validation results agains a large number of independent observations, including ground-based in-situ, ground-based remote sensing, balloon and aircraft data, and satellite data. (29 August 2024)
"Comparing Sentinel-5P TROPOMI NO2 column observations with the CAMS regional air quality ensemble." Our paper describing the comparison was published today. (25 January 2023)
In July 2021 processor version 2.2 of the Sentinel-5P TROPOMI NO2 product became operational, implementing important improvements compared to v1.x. Our paper describing v2.2 was published 5 April 2022. (6 April 2022)
A Sentinel-5P NO2 reprocessed data product became available in December 2021. Data access is provided by the S5P-PAL website. The period covered is April 2018 - September 2021. The reprocessing is using a consistent version of the official L2 NO2 processor, v2.3.1. (6 Apr 2022)
The KNMI contract with ECMWF to validate the CAMS global service products (near-real time forecasts, reanalysis) started on 1 January 2022 and will run until 2025. The products consist of comprehensive validation reports and validation servers. (1 March 2021)
This review paper, published 2 April, summarises the results of 150 published articles, up to 1 Oct 2020, documenting the impact of COVID-19 measures on air quality. With a prominent role for satellite observations, and Sentinel-5P TROPOMI NO2 in particular. (8 Apr 2021)
I am working in the satellite group of the KNMI, on the development of
the NO2 trace gas retrievals of TROPOMI and OMI.
I am involved in the Atmosphere Monitoring Service of the EU Copernicus programme, coordinating the CAMS validation subcontract with ECMWF.
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