
CAMS Cy48R1 upgrade

Evaluation of the Copernicus Atmosphere Monitoring Service Cy48R1 upgrade of June 2023 

The paper describes the upgrade and validation results agains a large number of independent observations, including ground-based in-situ, ground-based remote sensing, balloon and aircraft data, and satellite data. (29 August 2024)

Covid-19 Air Quality review paper


"Comparing Sentinel-5P TROPOMI NO2 column observations with the CAMS regional air quality ensemble." Our paper describing the comparison was published today. (25 January 2023)

Covid-19 Air Quality review paper


In July 2021 processor version 2.2 of the Sentinel-5P TROPOMI NO2 product became operational, implementing important improvements compared to v1.x. Our paper describing v2.2 was published 5 April 2022. (6 April 2022)

Covid-19 Air Quality review paper

Reprocessed TROPOMI NO2 product

A Sentinel-5P NO2 reprocessed data product became available in December 2021. Data access is provided by the S5P-PAL website. The period covered is April 2018 - September 2021. The reprocessing is using a consistent version of the official L2 NO2 processor, v2.3.1. (6 Apr 2022)

Covid-19 Air Quality review paper

Validation of the Copernicus Atmosphere Monitoring Service

The KNMI contract with ECMWF to validate the CAMS global service products (near-real time forecasts, reanalysis) started on 1 January 2022 and will run until 2025. The products consist of comprehensive validation reports and validation servers. (1 March 2021)

Covid-19 Air Quality review paper

Covid-19 and Air Quality

This review paper, published 2 April, summarises the results of 150 published articles, up to 1 Oct 2020, documenting the impact of COVID-19 measures on air quality. With a prominent role for satellite observations, and Sentinel-5P TROPOMI NO2 in particular. (8 Apr 2021)

My activities


Satellite observations

I am working in the satellite group of the KNMI, on the development of
the NO2 trace gas retrievals of TROPOMI and OMI.


Copernicus Atmosphere

I am involved in the Atmosphere Monitoring Service of the EU Copernicus programme, coordinating the CAMS validation subcontract with ECMWF.

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